Sun in the UK, en resumen...

Wordle: Sun in UK

Monday, June 21, 2010


A coffee with a friend in general stops time. It's like you enter the cafe, you order a latte, cappuccino or sometimes a machiatto, and once you accommodate yourself in the chair, with the back straight, and the coat already off, you mix the coffee with the two spoons of brown sugar and suddenly something stops the motion. Everything looses importance for an hour or so. It's just you and your friend.

How was your last week, month or year? The question varies depending on the frequency of the meetings. "Well, I moved house, broke up with a boyfriend and put my energy at work". Or "I've got married, settled down and keep on growing in my professional career. Ah, and I'm pregnant".

"Last week I met this guy I fancy. A month ago I went abroad for a new project. Next year I'm planning to go back home. When will I meet you again? In a month or so, when I come back from my next trip. I'm also going home for two weeks." All those lines together twisted with one another.

It's like we try not only to recap and share bits and pieces from our past, present and future, but also stop the motion of our lives for as long as we can keep the meeting going. Uff, it's like we try to stop time and space, and with them the excitement, fear, the butterflies in the belly, happiness and sadness, successes and failures, temptations and delights.

But they are there. Wandering around like leaves in the wind, all over our table, while we speak, we laugh, we look into each other eyes, and we feel partners in crime. We keep sipping coffee, slowly, keep the moment alive.

We end up saying when we'll meet again, what will happen in the meantime, and how everything will be the same, different or just as dynamic and energetic as it is now. We pay the bill and take our bags. That's when the leaves of feelings that were wandering around fly quickly back to each other's heart and mind. A hug, a kiss, and till next time.

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